TEST'in 90 Minute Tea Cleanse

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Product Details

It's simple, fast and efficient. Nice Fruit Punch Flavor. A 99.99% passing success rate is achieved with the TEST'in 90 Minute Tea Cleanse. This delicious drink is known for ages as natural antioxidant, diuretic and energizer gives you a real chance to speed up the flow of liquid (i.e. urine) in your body while it cleanses it. Perfect for Moderate to Heavy users of Herbal and Chemical toxins. Just drink 90 minutes before you go and it lasts for five whole hours. 100% Money Back Guarantee.

You can drink it hot or cold, you can drink it daily as a maintenance or as a "quick" 90 minute use, once the tea is made it lasts up to 5 days.

Avoid unwanted toxins (alcohol, coffee, vinegar, cranberry juice, prescription medications, goldenseal, etc.) for a minimum of 24 - 48 hours before starting the tea cleanse.

Drink 6-8 glasses of water and eat well (chicken, steak, beans, peanut butter, sect.) the day and night before starting the tea cleanse.

Do not eat or drink anything other than instructed during the cleansing process. All instructions must be followed precisely! Results are temporary.

Brewing Instructions:

  • Boil 1 gallon of water.
  • Remove from heat and add all four tea bags, cover with lid.
  • Do not re-boil the tea!
  • Tea may be brewed up to 24 hours before beginning your tea cleanse.
  • Sweeten to taste, if desired (honey works best, but sugar can also be used).

Drinking Instructions:

  • Drink the tea on an empty stomach (no food or liquids 4 -5 hours prior).
  • For best results, drinking should be paced over a 90 minute period
  • Take 2 multi-vitamins after consuming 3/4 of the cleansing tea, (it is very important that you do this)
  • Urinate frequently.
  • After completely consuming the TESTín 90 Minute Tea Cleanse.
  • It will be effective after one hour and up to six hours there after.
Helpful Hints:
  • Avoid unwanted toxins (alcohol, coffee, vinegar, cranberry juice, prescription medications, goldenseal, sect.) for a minimum of 24 - 48 hours before starting your process.
  • Drink lots of water (not over 64 ounces a day,) unsweetened tea and take 2-3 multivitamins a day.
  • Make sure your urine is yellow, if not take a multivitamin.
  • Urinate Frequently
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TEST'in 90 Minute Tea Cleanse
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