About Us

Passyourdrugtest.com is owned and operated by A-Z Enterprises. The TEST’in line of products that are offered on the site are manufactured and formulated by A-Z Enterprises. We also carry home drug tests kits for administration in the privacy of your own home. Our offices are located in Reno, Nevada and passyourdrugtest.com has become the most trusted leader in online sales for drug testing products since 1993. Our careful testing practices and making sure each product claims to do what it says are why you have trusted us with your future and current employment, insurance exams, mandatory school testing, probation, etc. You are probably curious as to how we actually know the products work that we offer to you?

Testing Procedures:

The method by which we go about ensuring our products work is both scientific and verified factual knowledge. Our testing procedures involve countless hours of research and continued education. We also stay on top of current testing methods and trends by employing 4 freedom fighters that work within the actual labs that test you every single day. (Realize most of the people that work in these labs are there only for the money and really aren't there to hurt you.)
These "Insiders" keep us up to date on the newest testing methods so we can change the formula in an instant if the need be. They really hold down 2 jobs at once and offer us vital inside secrets helping us to create better solutions.


Many of sites on the internet are drop shipping products for foreign countries and the money does not stay in our economy. We are an American company and your funds will stay in America, no secret affiliations with Russia, China, or anywhere else!

Contact Us Anytime!

Unlike many other companies that you may be considering, we really are here to help and strive to answer all of your questions and thoughts through email 24 hours, 7 days per week. We also have live chat services and phone based customer service during our business hours. Our super friendly customer service reps look forward to helping you pass and will go out of their way to assist you in any way you require. We believe no question is stupid when it involves your life, so feel free to ask anything and everything when it comes to your test. Chat with us live now by clicking on the button at the top of the page for "Live Help".

We have been in the news!!

Click Here to Read The Articles. We only listed the top 3. Enjoy!

2-07-2000 Source APB News
8-11-2001 Source Augusta Chronicle
8-12-2001 Source San Francisco Chronicle

All Products Endorsed By Dr. Steven Larson!

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