Little Duz Plus


Day you go:

  • Start 2 hours before you desire to be clean.
  • Take the Chewable with 24 oz. of water.
  • Wait 15 minutes, then shake and drink the 16 oz Little Duz.
  • Please drink within a 20 minute time frame.
  • Do not drink any water.
  • Urinate frequently during the 90 minutes you are waiting to go.

Helpful Hints:
Avoid unwanted toxins for a minimum of 24 - 48 hours before starting the process.
Drink 6-8 glasses of water and eat well (chicken, steak, beans, peanut butter, etc.) the day and night before starting the tea cleanse.
Do not eat or drink anything other than instructed during the cleansing process.
When you go to your test be sure to urinate midstream, first into the toilet bowl, then into the cup.
All instructions must be followed precisely!
Results are temporary.

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