90 Minute Chewable Tablet

90 Minute Chewable Tablet

90 Minute Chewable Tablet is a Same Day Solution and is to be taken the day you need to be cleansed. Finish it at least 90 minutes before you go..
Suggested Usage:

  • Take on an empty stomach. 
  • One hour before, chew entire TESTín Chewable Tablet.
  • Immediately drink 24 ounces of water
  • Wait 15 Minutes and drink 24 more ounces of water.
  • Wait 90 minutes for the TESTín Chewable to become effective.
  • Do not drink anymore fluids.
  • Urinate frequently during the 90 minutes.
  • Make sure your urine is yellow, if not take a multivitamin.
  • It will be effective after 90 Minutes and up to six hours there after.

Helpful Hints:

  • Avoid unwanted toxins (alcohol, coffee, vinegar, cranberry juice, prescription medications, goldenseal, sect.) for a minimum of 24 - 48 hours before starting your process.
  • Drink lots of water (not over 64 ounces a day,) unsweetened tea and take 2-3 multivitamins a day.
  • Make sure your urine is yellow, if not take a multivitamin.
  • Urinate Frequently 
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